Monday, May 19, 2008

NO MSG, Reduced Fat Vegetable Dip Recipe

My wife is sensitive to MSG, while I'm trying to eat more vegetables and lose weight. Not finding any no MSG recipes in the stores (Giant Eagle in PA/OH primarily), I put this little concoction together in ten minutes. I'm certain many people have done it better. I just don't seem to find good no MSG recipes on the Internet. This has no preservatives that I can see, by the way.

16 oz. Reduced Fat Sour Cream (I like Breakstone's).
1 package Good Seasons Zesty Italian dressing and recipe mix.
1 pouch Tabatchnik Frozen Soup (my initial test is with Vegetable)

Bring soup to a boil (I went past to make it a bit thicker), then cool while mixing sour cream and recipe mix in a bowl. Add soup, mix thoroughly, and refrigerate.

I found it creamy and mild-tasting right after preparing, the bite being in the seasoning. I'm going to ask my wife if she thinks it needs more onion (or I'll try the Tabatchnik's "Frenchman's" soup next time. The bulk of the calories and sugars come from the sour cream.

I'd welcome your thoughts and postings for other recipes that easily substitute for prepared items that include MSG .

Copyright 2007 Harlan R. Cohen MBA,CPIM

Thoughts about Ethanol

David Brin's short essay on economics and government policy in regard to farm subsidies and ethanol production is hyperlinked by clicking on the title. There are suggestions for more efficient market mechanisms and some noteworthy comments (other than mine).

Copyright 2007 Harlan R. Cohen MBA,CPIM