Friday, May 13, 2005

Government Budgets vs. Local Interests

"Cleveland will lose 1,013 high-paying civilian jobs and 15 military positions at the Defense Finance and Accounting Services Office in a realignment announced by the Defense Department today." according to The Plain Dealer / Associated Press report.

Isn't it past time that the Congress insist a local area have its federal employment frozen when the local area is still suffering from a recession? And let's not pretend that the moment a recession turns around is the time for layoffs or facility closings. Every three months in a recession should represent two to four months of protection following the turnaround.

Now I can see where all bets may be off during a national recession. However the political parties that favor getting the 'welfare class' into jobs so they can take support directly from the economy, these politicians ought to understand the concept of maintaining job enrollments to spur an economy during difficult economic times.

Voinovich, DeWine, Taft, Campbell, Hagan, DiMora, LaTourette, Tubbs-Jones, Kucinich. Are you listening?

Copyright 2005 Harlan R. Cohen MBA,CPIM

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